“tiMes TOUgh? DOn’T CARe? nO EXPeNSiVe pAINt JoBS, no pRO RoYALtiES TO pAY. nO FRiLLs, jUSt A tOP qUALitY sKATeboARd FOr not aS Much monEY”.
Here we have the third Hard Times board in the series...but it was labeled #2. (See other Hard Times boards for story). With the popularity of the first Hard Times model (#0), the #2 was released at the same time as the #1 to add a bit of shape variety.
What is this graphic anyhow? Some sort of a dog/ human hybrid? Man eating dog? Dog eating man? Anyone’s guess at this point but it’s all from Ron Cameron’s brain (and it’s rad).
- 1st batch, 120 produced total
- Deck Colors: Natural, White dip (choose above)
- Bottom: Screen printed graphics: Black/color fade
- Top: Screen printed 30 year logo, hand numbered
- Art: Ron Cameron
- Dimensions: 9.75 x 32”, 14.375” wheelbase, 6.75 tail, 6.125” nose
- Construction: 7-ply maple (old school layup)
- Hole pattern: Old School
- Manufactured by Watson Laminates, San Diego CA
- Original release date 1990, Reissue date 2016